Thursday, 8 January 2015




  1. Hi guys!!!
    About the video that Cristina show us in class, i think that the brain is the most important organ of our body.
    To use the brain for study, we can use many types of techniques like the video show. You can choose between musical, spacial, natural, linguistic, intrapersonal or mathematical intelligence.
    For me the easier intelligences are the linguistic or the musical because I concentrate better whith music that which movemment.
    By friends :)

  2. Good morning good morning! (Afternoon actually, but well) So I just finished watching the video again because I didn't really remember all of the different kinds of minds we have the possibility to own, and each time I see it the more convinced I am that it would be such a good idea to take every single person, lock them in a room and find out which of the learning methods they have, and after finding out teach them the best way possible in order to their results.
    And I think everybody has different ways of thinking and learning, each mind is a world, but in the end we all have something in common; we all learn doing what we think is the easiest for us. It wouldn't have any logic otherwise, trying to learn; at least memorize by using the hardest and toughest method for you. (We aren't as different as we think we are from the others, we are all the same just with different patterns)
    I believe I have three intelligences, which would be Musical Intelligence (I love learning with music, and since I love it so much I can literally learn 16 songs in a day if I'm on the right mood. It would be really easy for me to learn everything just by songs and melodies, they are my strong point) Spatial Intelligence (I love taking pictures and drawing, so I figured it would be one of my intelligences) and last but not the least, and probably the one I love most: Linguistic Intelligence, because there's nothing better than learning by reading and writing and even memorizing can be a fun thing to do (If you haven't forgot it by the next day, that's it) because like, for example, you can make goals like memorizing a telephone number in almost no time or even when you are travelling, you can always play to the Car Registration game.
    And I think that's all.
    Bye! :)x.

  3. Hi everybody!
    The video that we saw in class was very interesting, because it explain us how different the type of learning can be in each person, depending on what area you are best in, for example, if you are good at doing sports, you have a bodily intelligence, and if you are good in orientation, geography and 3D drawing, you have a spatial intelligence.
    In my case, I think that I have four kinds of intelligences, which are; spatial intelligence, because I'm good at geography and at technical drawing; naturalist intelligence, because I like a lot to be in the nature, in open places with pure air, and also I like animals; bodily intelligence, because I can't sit still for very long, I need to be in movement, and also I like to practice some sports like go cycling; and lastly intra-personal intelligence, because I'm always debating and arguing everything, and this could be very practical for me because I would like to become a lawyer. And this is all.

  4. Hi guys!
    I think this video is one of the most interesting videos we have deal with in class because it shows us that maybe we are not good at writing but we can be good at music. Each person is different, they has his or her own intelligence and everybody is good at something.
    There are mainly some types of intelligence that are musical, spatial, natural, linguistic, intrapersonal and mathematical intelligence.
    I think I can say that I have musical intelligence because I can learn almost everything with music. As you know I play drums and for me it's easier to learn for example the english vocabulary at the same time I am playing drums. I don't think I have bodily kinesthetic intelligence but I think I am good at surfing, maybe I don't practice it often but I can stand up on the board since the first day.
    In general I think I learn everything better by doing it, I mean, If I am doing something while I am learning I will learn it better and faster. For example writing all the concepts of Biology or learn the english vocabulary by playing drums as I said before.
    I honestly think there are more intelligences than the ones showed in the video but they are not discovered yet.
    In my opinion teachers can make different types of classes. For example one day they explain all with words, another day they do exercises, another day they put music,...
    With this method I think people will learn more and probable they will have a good time too. Not always classes are boring.
    Thank you.
    Bye :) Xx.

  5. Hi classmates! How do you do?

    Don’t you think it is truly amazing how mankind has developed so fast? It’s incredible nowadays people are able to scan your brain, study it and get the fact that ‘there are at least nine types of intelligence’. Wow! I think this is a quite slick interesting video which broadens your mind in terms of what you should improve in the future to become smarter… I like it.
    My own, I don’t know either I have a logical-mathematical intelligence or a naturalistic one. I guess I have both, so I love being in touch with the nature as well as solving puzzles, problems and jigsaws…

    Take care

  6. Hi guys!!!!! It's incredible how each brain works. Each person has a different way to learn because of his intellingece, that's very curious. I don't know you, but I'm happy with mine's. I'm sure that a lot of people would like to know why a person is good at something and I'm not, or the other way round, why I' better at something than an other person. Probably a lot of peple is happy about his kind of intelligence, others don't, but everyone has to be happy with their abilities.
    I don't know what kind of intelligence I have, or if a have more than one, but I think I'm lucky to have them.
    BFN :)

  7. Hi friends!
    I've been thinking a bit about this topic and I'm really surprised. We all have the same organ, our brain, but we use it in lots of different ways depending on the person, the situation or just to satisfy our interests. There are also differences in how we receive and keep the information, some people is good at music and it's very easy for them to remember the rythm of songs, so they can combine songs and studies to make this work easier.
    On the other hand we have people that is very goos at sports, so doing sport while studying could be a good way to help the brain and make it work efficiently.
    And like these ones, there are a lot of different examples about all the intelligence types people have.
    I think that studying the brain is the best way to leran all about humans, just because it's the engine of every person in the world.
    See you!

  8. Hi classmates!!!
    As marco says the brain is one important organ of our body
    I think that this video it´s incredible because teaches us the types of techniques we can learnt. I think that our brain it´s incredible .
    For me the easier intelligences I think It´s musical because I can learn things with music and I play the trumpet too and mathematical intelligence because I think that I good at mathematic things
    see you son!
