Wednesday, 27 May 2015



  1. Hi guys!
    We have to be careful when using the social nedwork and spend less time on it, because reduce or eliminate face-to face socialization.
    Take responsibility for your own safety and integrity and never join something just because it is trendy or all your friends are doing it.
    Buy classmates

  2. Hi everybody!
    In my opinion the social networks can be both useful as well as bad, depending on how you use them. The most common use is for chatting with friends, sharing posts, uploading photographies, or for work and studying. But if you use it for spying on other people or for bullying a person, then you use it in a bad way and even in an illegal way.
    The teenagers nowadays (including myself) we often use it too much and that can end in addiction and you can even end up needing psychological help.
    As a conclusion, if you use it for communicating with friends in a responsible way, it can be really good, but if you use it for worse things like spying or for harassment, then you are giving it the wrong use.
